
Salem Bin Dasmal for Telesport.rs: Basketball has a unique way of bringing people together!

Salem Bin Dasmal for Telesport.rs: Basketball has a unique way of bringing people together!

When discussing your tennis career and your decision to pursue other areas, you mentioned that you were guided by intuition, and whenever a new project was mentioned, you referred to being led by feeling. Is that the case now as you venture into the world of basketball?

Certainly, intuition plays a significant role in my decision-making process. When I decided to step into the world of basketball, it was because I felt a strong connection to the sport and the opportunities it presented. Basketball has a unique way of bringing people together and creating a sense of community, which resonated with me. My intuition tells me that this franchise has great potential not just for success on the court, but for making a positive impact in the region and beyond.

You are a well-known name in the business world, but one trait that particularly stood out to us is that you always emphasized the human aspect and the interests of a broader group of people touched by your work in your projects. Can this be achieved through professional sports?

Absolutely. Professional sports have a powerful influence on communities, and they offer a unique platform to make a positive impact. Through this basketball project, we aim to not only achieve success on the court but also to contribute to the social and cultural development of the region. By investing in youth development through our 10-year-old academy, Falcons, which includes over 600 children across the country, promoting healthy lifestyles, and fostering a sense of unity among fans, we can extend the positive impact of our efforts well beyond the immediate circle of players and staff. The human aspect is always at the core of what we do, and this venture is no different.

From your interviews, we got the impression that you thoroughly analyze every business sector you enter. Considering you are embarking on a project that connects you with the former Yugoslav region, what are your impressions and expectations of interacting with this area?

The former Yugoslav region has a rich history in basketball, with a deep passion for the sport and a strong tradition of producing world-class talent. My interactions with this area have been incredibly positive so far, and I have a deep respect for the culture and the people here. I expect that working in this region will be both challenging and rewarding. My goal is to create meaningful connections and partnerships that benefit both the club and the broader community. I believe that by understanding and respecting the unique aspects of this region, we can build something truly special that resonates with fans and contributes to the growth of basketball here.

Is there a particular person from the world of sports, from Serbia or the region, who has left a significant impression on you?

Looking back, Vlade Divac has left a significant impression on me. His NBA career was not just about his success on the court but about how he opened doors for players from this region. I remember watching him during his time with the Lakers while I was living in LA, and it was inspiring to see someone from this part of the world make such an impact in a league dominated by American players.ย 

Your predecessors described the Dubai basketball club as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East via the region, likely aligning with the passion that you mentioned drives you throughout your life. Can this be considered a form of innovation?

Definitely. Positioning the Dubai Basketball Club as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East represents a strategic innovation in how we connect different basketball cultures and markets. This approach leverages the passion for basketball in both regions and creates opportunities for cross-cultural exchange, talent development, and collaboration. By bridging these two areas, weโ€™re not only enhancing the visibility of the sport but also fostering new partnerships and expanding the influence of basketball globally.

Given that some reinforcements have been signed, what are Dubai’s ambitions for the upcoming season?

With the new reinforcements, our ambitions for the upcoming season are to establish a competitive and cohesive team in the league. We aim to build on the foundation we’ve set. Our goal is not just to compete but to demonstrate our commitment to excellence and set a high standard for future seasons. Weโ€™re excited about the potential of our new roster and are confident that their contributions will be key to our success in the years to come.